Double run day

Today was my first double day in a while. Due to tapering and recovery from the half I’ve been doing single days. The mileage today wasn’t high and the effort was low.

The first run was a 4.5-5 mile run at lunchtime. Due to the pace and the temperature and I guess my recovery I barely broke a sweat at 9:30 miling. To be fair I wouldn’t expect to break much of a sweat at that pace but it’s the first run that hasn’t felt hard. I’m still feeling really good about running and think a positive mental attitude and having fun are key to successful running. Of course it depends on your definition of success but mine it to run well for me. I run well off of high miles and low intensity with the odd hard session but less than the recommended 80/20. So in order to run lots of miles, essential for a good marathon experience? You surely need to be having fun, otherwise what’s getting me out of the door.

Back to the run and I wasn’t hungry and my stomach etc was fine on an egg 2 hours before I set off. After the run I had my usual recovery water and lunch. Lunch was spicy cabbage salad from the real meal revolution and a chicken breast. I felt full and satisfied with my lunch and didn’t feel hungry before starting the second run.

I’m also feeling good about my weight, my body fat percentage is in the fitness range, my clothes are small and my BMI is overweight! I know that for my running I do need to lose a little bit more but I’m addressing that by reducing dairy and some additional snacks that although low carb weren’t actually serving a purpose. If you think of any good athlete they probably are strict with their diet, well unless they are really lucky.

The second run was shorter but I was pushing my daughter in the buggy. It’s always nice to have the company as I mostly do lone running and love spending the time with my wife and daughter.

This day was actually yesterday but forgot to hit post! Today is rest day.

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